The medicine he had been given because of the pain from his heart attack made his eyes weak and he only dimly saw the young man in Marine Corps uniform standing outside the oxygen tent. 给他治心绞痛的镇静药使他昏昏入睡,他只能模模糊糊地看到那穿着海军陆战队军装的年轻人站在氧气罩外。
Such a situation is best handled by the administration of oxygen by a resuscitator or by placing the victim in an oxygen tent. 对于这种情况,最好的处理是用复苏器给氧,或把病人放入氧仓。
Objective: To evaluate the efficiency of oxygen therapy with an environmental control unit oxygen tent in management of severe respiratory failure induced by pulmonary fibrosis. 目的:评价一种氧疗环境控制单位&氧帐改善肺间质纤维化所致重症呼吸衰竭患者的氧疗效果。
Role of oxygen tent in treatment of severe respiratory failure induced by late pulmonary fibrosis 12例终末期肺间质纤维化所致重症呼吸衰竭应用氧帐疗效分析
Nine patients got stable and withdrawn from oxygen tent. The mean time of using oxygen tent was 67 8 ± 18 9 hours. 9例病情稳定并撤离氧帐,平均氧帐使用时间为67-8±18-9h;